
Friday, October 10, 2008

The Imminent World

Hi, Well I thought to post a couple of my favourite poems (which I have composed ofcourse), which have already been published in the famous children's magazine "Children's World" or CW. I had written these during my school days and very amusingly during Monday Tests as we had it :) after I happily finished the test 1/2 hour before :D


The world is sitting on a mount,

That may not be safe and sound.

It’s the atom bomb that lay,

Makes the world grieve and gray.


People do not have feelings,

Never ever in their dealings.

Everybody of this kind,

Serves the Mammon in his mind.


People love to kill and slay,

Thinking no God will come to play.

But when their end comes near,

They swear to God and swear.


Greed is so much in the man,

He will destroy his social LAN.

And when need arouse in him,

He will go from kin to kin.


The world is starry night sky,

The stars are spiritual guys.

And the Moon is God of all,

Who may give deserved to all.


At last when end is gonna come,

The world light is gonna shun.

It’s the God, who will prevail,

Leaving his mighty trail………………

Nica naa!!!! Well, I'll post the second one in my next post.....

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